IDHR Staff Training Materials

IDHR Staff Training Materials

In compliance with the federal Title IX regulations—see § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D), which provide that, for all trainings held on or after August 14, 2020, MIT post “[a]ll materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process” for Title IX Sexual Harassment—IDHR maintains and posts the following training materials:

Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) 

Rationale Writing Workshop for Decision-Makers and Investigators 

This 4 hour (half-day) workshop is fully engaging and hands-on for decision makers and investigators. Often as part of an investigation report, and always as part of the hearing and appeal outcome letter, a rationale must be provided. This rationale includes an analysis of all the facts considered, policy application, a credibility assessment, application of the standard of proof, finding, final determination, elaboration of sanctions, and the reasons therefor.

Intermediate Interviewing Techniques & Strategies for Higher Education, March 2024

Title IX Advisors, July 2023 

  • Length: 5 hours

True Equity at the Intersection of Title IX & DEI, ATIXA National Conference 2022

Anti-Racist Strategies for Supporting Black Women Rape Survivors, October 2022

Civil Rights Investigator Four: Training and Certification Course, October 2022

Technology-facilitated Sexual Abuse, October 2022


Campus Kaizen 

Leveraging Technology to Support Effective Case Management


Grand River Solutions

Hearings 201: Ready, Set, Go! 

Members of the IDHR staff, and other MIT community members who support the Institute’s work to appropriately respond to discrimination and discriminatory harassment, are experienced professionals with years of professional education, training, and experience.  The training materials included here are posted in compliance with federal regulation and do not represent the full professional history of any one individual. 

Decision-Maker Training 

8 hour workshop to prepare decision-makers to serve as panelists on cases of discrimination and discriminatory harassment.

Title IX Alternative Resolutions Training, March 2023 

Title IX Special Training for the Boston Consortium, May 2023 

Title IX Hearings in a Post-Regulatory World 

Conducting Fair and Thorough Trauma Trauma-Informed Investigations, July 2023

Navigating Credibility, Reliability & Authenticity When Assessing Evidence, September 2023

Title VI Investigator Workshop, December 2024

McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention (The University of Utah)

Power-Conscious Approaches to Addressing Sexual Violence Among College Students

MIT Institute Discrimination & Harassment Response Office 

MIT Prohibited Conduct: Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment 

Adjudication and Appeals: Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment 

MIT Prohibited Conduct and Adjudication and Appeals: Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment, August 2023  

MIT Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards 

Committee on Discipline Subcommittee Meeting: Policies & Overview, August 25, 2020

Committee on Discipline Subcommittee Meeting: Policies & Overview, October 19, 2021

Committee on Discipline Subcommittee Meeting: Policies & Overview, September 20, 2022


National Association of College and University Attorneys 

Title IX Coordinator Training 

This course consists of nine modules of class instruction with written materials and assessment. Lecture topics include: Title IX definitions, jurisdiction, and preliminary matters; conducting a Title IX investigation; hearings and appeals; anatomy of an OCR investigation; Title IX training and policies, and athletics equity and the effect of the new regulations on athletics departments. This training was completed by Sarah Rankin, IDHR Director, and Sarah Affel, IDHR Manager of Investigations.

The State University of New York - Student Conduct Institute 

MIT is a member of the Student Conduct Institute of the State University of New York (SUNY).

You can find SUNY SCI Title IX training materials on their website.

Basic Compliance Training, October 2023


Other training materials

The Art of Facilitation: Tools for Successful Training, September 2022