Prohibited Conduct

Prohibited Conduct (Policies)

This is a landing page to better understand the pages available under "Prohibited Conduct (Policies)". Please know that you can reach out to us before something rises to the level of a policy violation to learn more about possible supportive measures, resolution pathways, and on and off campus resources! 

What types of prohibited conduct are Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment?

For Staff Members and Faculty Members:

  • P&P, Section 9.3: Nondiscrimination
  • P&P, Section 9.4: Racist Conduct
  • P&P, Section 9.5: Harassment (when the alleged conduct is based on an individual’s protected class as defined in Section 9.3)
    • Section Sexual Harassment
    • Section Sexual Misconduct
    • Section Gender-Based Harassment 
    • Section Title IX Sexual Harassment
  • P&P, Section 9.5.2: Stalking
  • P&P, Section 9.6: Violence Against Community Members (based on protected class)
  • P&P, Section 9.7: Retaliation (based on protected class)

For Students, MIT Mind and Hand Book:

  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Harassment (based on protected class)
  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Intimate Partner Violence
  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Nondiscrimination Policy
  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Non-Retaliation (based on protected class)
  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Sexual Misconduct
  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Stalking
  • Mind and Hand Book, Section II: Title IX Sexual Harassment

For Allegations Against Students

Use this page to learn more about the policies, procedures, and resolution options regarding an allegation of misconduct against undergraduate and graduate students. 

For Allegations Against Faculty

Use this page to learn more about the policies, procedures, and resolution options regarding an allegation of misconduct against faculty. This includes the President, the Provost, the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, and the Associate Provosts of the Institute; All members of the instructing staff with rank of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor; Associate Professor/Senior Coach, Associate Professor/Coach, and Assistant Professor/Coach; the Deans of the Schools of Architecture and Planning; Engineering; Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; Science; the Sloan School of Management; and the Schwartzman College of Computing; and Senior Research Scientists, Senior Research Engineers, and Senior Research Associates.

For Allegations Against Staff

Use this page to learn more about the policies, procedures, and resolution options regarding an allegation of misconduct against staff. This includes staff members or postdoctoral scholars (associates or fellows).