Supportive Measures | No Contact Orders

Supportive Measure: Mutual No Contact Orders

A mutual no contact order (MNCO) is a letter issued by the IDHR Director or designee that implements contact limitations between two community members for a period of time so each community member can focus on their education and/or work. Specifically, a MNCO prohibits both individuals from having any direct or indirect contact with each other, including on or off campus, in person or through another party, by telephone, letter, email, social media or other electronic media, or by any other means. Both individuals are also directed to refrain from any form of harassment, retaliation, or intimidating behavior directed at each other.

The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide additional information regarding Mutual No Contact Orders.

Does a mutual no contact order prohibit the other person from talking about me to others and/or on social media?

While mutual no contact orders (MNCOs) prohibit individuals from engaging in direct or indirect communication with one another, and from engaging in harassing, retaliatory, or intimidating behavior directed at one another, these orders do not bar individuals from talking about the other person and/or situations involving the other person.

How can I request a mutual no contact order?

If you have experienced discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual misconduct (including sexual assault and sexual harassment), intimate partner violence, stalking, and other unwanted contact, you can contact IDHR to request a mutual no contact order (MNCO). To request a MNCO, you can complete an incident report form or email IDHR at The IDHR director, or designee, will invite you to meet to review supportive measures, including an MNCO, resources, and reporting options. During the meeting, IDHR staff may ask questions to better understand your concerns, including your perspective on what measures may be appropriate to protect your safety; protect the safety of the MIT community; and deter discriminatory harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.

Can I request a No Contact Order against an alum or a noncommunity member?

IDHR can only issue a mutual no contact order (MNCO) between two community members. However, if you are experiencing unwanted contact from an alum or noncommunity member, please contact IDHR for assistance as there are certain circumstances where IDHR can issue a no contact request letter. Depending on the circumstances, IDHR can also work with Residential Education and appropriate campus partners to request that an alum or nonaffiliate be banned from certain residence halls or MIT activities.

Community members may contact the MIT Police to request that a particular individual be banned from campus. Community members may also seek assistance from the MIT Police and/or Violence Prevention and Response in order to learn about obtaining a court-issued Harassment Prevention Order or Abuse Prevention Order. A violation of a court-issued order can result in criminal charges and it is enforceable anywhere in the United States. Once issued, MIT will also work with you to make accommodations to ensure that the order is followed.

What if I believe that the other person has violated the mutual no contact order?

If you believe that the other person has violated the mutual no contact order (MNCO), you should promptly contact IDHR. IDHR will review the information and, if appropriate, may enact additional measures or refer the matter to the Committee on Discipline (COD) or Central Human Resources. If the COD or Central HR determines that the other person violated the MNCO, appropriate discipline will be issued.

How long will mutual no contact orders be kept in place? What if I want to extend a mutual no contact order?

Mutual no contact orders (MNCOs) will typically be kept in place for twelve months or until one of the parties has graduated or is no longer affiliated with MIT. The MNCO may be modified and/or extended by IDHR staff as appropriate. If you wish to request an extension of a MNCO, please inform IDHR staff at least two weeks in advance of the date on which the MNCO is set to expire. IDHR staff will review your request and may speak separately with you and the other person as part of the review process.