Resolution Pathways | Adaptable Resolution | How to Access Adaptable Resolution
All MIT community members are encouraged to report any concern about discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and bias.
When you reach out to the Institute Discrimination & Harassment Response Office (IDHR) directly, someone from IDHR will contact you and ask if you’d like to schedule a time to meet or talk by phone. This meeting will serve as an opportunity for you to learn more about the full range of resources and pathways available to you, including adaptable resolution.
There are a few ways to report an incident to IDHR:
- Submit an IDHR Incident Report Form
- Email us directly at or call us at (617) 715-4080
Adaptable resolution will only be used at the request and agreement of the Impacted Party and the Responding Party and as deemed appropriate by the Restorative Resolutions Coordinator. In order for the adaptable resolution process to be appropriate, all parties must understand and agree to the necessary elements of the process.