Resolution Pathways | Adaptable Resolution | What's the Process Like?

What's the Process Like?

Adaptable resolution offers a range of structured and facilitated processes


Adaptable resolution offers a range of direct and indirect, structured and facilitated processes that can allow people to:

  • Talk about their thoughts, feelings and experiences related to conduct, impact and harm
  • Work towards mutual understanding
  • Engage in productive, safe, and respectful dialogue
  • Explore possibilities of reaching mutually agreeable outcomes that remedy, mitigate and/or prevent the impacts of the conduct

Supporting Parties

In addition to the Impacted Party and the Responding Party, other participants may serve the role of supporting party. A supporting party in the adaptable resolution process may be:

  • A support person/advisor for the Impacted Party or Responding Party
  • Individuals who have been indirectly impacted by the specific conduct or similar conduct (and can serve as a surrogate for the concern)
  • Individuals who can offer resources in support of developing strategies for resolution

Additionally, interim and/or supportive measures can be accessed anytime and used in coordination with adaptable resolution pathways.

Other Decisions

Through adaptable resolution, parties work with the Restorative Resolutions Coordinator to co-construct a dialogue process for a mutually productive conversation. This includes decisions on:

  • Meeting face-to-face or indirect (ie. written/video exchange, shuttle mediation, surrogate, etc.)
  • Conditions for safe and productive exchange
  • Topics to be discussed
  • Who participates
  • Best process to support mutual resolution